the wall near the gorons is the area I meant you would need to clip at to make it past the barrier, but yeah I'm not really sure atm what you could possibly do to clip in that spot, not really anything to work with as far as I'm aware. for clipping the platform itself, I'm using an old route save file so I didn't even think to check if wolf could go under it, cool to see that it does indeed work out. clipping into the platform or staircase seems like the best way but there's not really much you can do with it since you can't transform or hang off those ledges normally. Also unless there is OoB ground outside of other area's of the room (assuming you could even clip there), the clip would have to be right up at the platform or wall which limits it even more. Map glitch isn't an option either pretty sure since the GM load zone wouldn't be active obviously. I found one area where link does some "maybe" clip sort of OoB for a second but he pops right back in, don't think there will be much more to that. I'm sure this was all known already but wasn't sure of this info myself, helps now though since I know what some of the limitations of how the trick would have to be done are. will still keep looking for the possibility