OoT3D Beat Volvagia as child I think there are many to be improved... Give me some advice. http://twitter.com/pal62n - TSC escape - ZL - Cucco bottle - To Goron City via DMT w/ FESS - Deku stick, Lost Woods shortcut - Saria's song - Death warp, right to Kokiri Forest, get fairy - Bracelet - Harf DC skip - 40 rupees - Bombs, Deku shield - 20 rupees, Magic, owl to kak - BotW early, Chus, Lens of Truth, double SW - TSC navi dive to ZR, Nuts, TSC to ZF - Farore's Wind - Kingzora A-slide clip w/chu - Set Farore to shop, Fish, SW - Low health, Death hole glitch, Bottle on B - OI, set Farore&bombs on X/Y, Chus on Ⅱ, warp - set Farore, walk to Dampe - Race w/o loosing shield - OI, RBA Chus after Dampe talking - Hookshot bottle w/Fish on Ⅱ,RBA then get Hookshot - RBA Hookshot, RBA empty bottle, SW - Ledge storage escape(or WWT escape), HESS to Ranch - Milk Bottle, to Market - RBA Red Potion, Green Potion, Lens, Fairy(outside Temple) - Din's Fire, FW and set again - Buy Magic beans and RBA bean, FW - Kingzora A-slide clip - Enter Jabu w/stick - Boomerang, set Farore to Boss room, double SW - To Deku tree - Slingshot - Hammer bottle on Ⅱ, B1 GID w/seeds, get hammer from Map chest - RBA Hammer, Chu bottle, set Farore&bombs on X/Y - WW, OI - Beat volvagia as child