Enough is enough and we have to call out Chibi. We have proof of him using some form of a levitate cheat code in order to perfectly execute the Yoshi Skip/Minor League Skip trick. I have screenshots and frame data that shows that his jump height is higher than what is actually capable in the game. #1: Take a look here: http://www.twitch.tv/chibi/v/4869777 or here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjJgfSx7ZpU&feature=youtu.be Skip to 5:31:42 - Notice when he performs the double jump, he has no emotional response whatsoever. Typically, the frame perfect trick would elicit a response. #2: Chibi performs a double jump and lands on the platform without using a spin jump after the second jump. This is only possible, based off of my testing in Dolphin, if you reach the maximum possible jump height off of the first jump. Therefore, he used some form of a jump height modifier. #3: He admitted to it. http://i.imgur.com/8tIiGVX.png #4: He then lied again and admitted to lying again. http://i.imgur.com/orbXyAg.png