-- Majora's Mask (U): Explosives Positions Script -- by Jimmie1717 -- BizHawk -- Setup for 640x480 Display. -- Positions will be shown in the bottle right corner. -- Adjust "anchor_x/y" on lines 24/25 if you want it to display somewhere else on screen. console.clear(); gui.defaultTextBackground(0x00000000); -- Global readDWord = memory.read_u32_be; readFloat = memory.readfloat; writeDWord = memory.write_u32_be; writeFloat = memory.writefloat; drawText = gui.drawText; -- Explosive Pointer local explosive_pointer = 0x3E87F8; function explosivesPositionsDisplay() local anchor_x = 579; local anchor_y = 320; local pointer = readDWord(explosive_pointer); -- Loop through current explosives out. for i = 1, 3, 1 do if (pointer ~= 0x00000000 and pointer > 0x80000000) then local x = pointer - 0x80000000 + 0x00000024; local y = pointer - 0x80000000 + 0x00000028; local z = pointer - 0x80000000 + 0x0000002C; drawText(anchor_x + 1, anchor_y + 1, string.format("%s %d:", "Bomb ", i), "BLACK"); drawText(anchor_x + 0, anchor_y + 0, string.format("%s %d:", "Bomb ", i)); drawText(anchor_x + 6, anchor_y + 13, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(x, true)), "BLACK"); drawText(anchor_x + 5, anchor_y + 12, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(x, true))); drawText(anchor_x + 6, anchor_y + 25, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(y, true)), "BLACK"); drawText(anchor_x + 5, anchor_y + 24, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(y, true))); drawText(anchor_x + 6, anchor_y + 37, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(z, true)), "BLACK"); drawText(anchor_x + 5, anchor_y + 36, string.format("% 7.1f", readFloat(z, true))); anchor_y = anchor_y + 54; pointer = readDWord(pointer - 0x80000000 + 0x0000012C); else break; end end end -- Core Loop while true do -- Call Display Function if the pointer is not null. if (readDWord(explosive_pointer) ~= 0x00000000) then explosivesPositionsDisplay(); end emu.frameadvance() end