This needs more testing for a more accurate result. All of these attempts used the yellow dog. Number of Wins/Number of attempts with that message Ruff! Oh, yeah! I feel unstoppable.: 1/1 Ruff! My four paws feel lighter than: 3/3 Ruff! Today, I feel like I can win...: 7/8 Ruff! I'm here for my wife and child: 5/7 Ruff! Today I should do pretty well: 5/12 Rrr-Ruff! I feel like I could win but: 0/5 Rrr-Ruff! I should do all right!: 0/2 Rrr-Ruff! I don't feel much different: 0/6 Rrr-Ruff! I can't predict the future: 0/2 Hoo-whine bad message: 0/18 In Japanese version: Both 1st and 2nd place counts as a win. ワン! …オレ、今日けっこういけそうだなぁ: 6/14 ワン! 今日は、足がいつもより軽い!: 2/2 ワン! 今日の私は、勝てる気がする…: 6/7 ワン! …妻と子供のために負けるわけにはいかない!: 1/1 ワン! うーん、調子よさそうだ…!負ける気がしない: 4/4