----- BEACH ----- pidgey doduo (pikachu, for experts) butterfree lapras (twice) meowth kang eevee EXIT ----- TUNNEL ----- Electrode (to make 24k points) Ball Pikachu (if no beach pikachu) EXIT Obtain Apples ----- TUNNEL ----- Electabuzz kakuna zubat magikarp diglet (3x) haunter somewhere in there dugtrio magnemite magneton hit trode with an apple EXIT ----- VOLCANO ----- rapidash vulpix charmander magmar charmeleon moltres (fighting magmar for a lot more points, but slower) EXIT ----- RIVER ----- Poliwag any extra pics to reach 72500 points EXIT get pesters ----- RIVER ----- Bulbasaur slowpoke shelder slowbro metapod psyduck porygon cloyster (hopefully) hit porygon EXIT ----- CAVE ----- Grimer (far left, photo trigger) grimer muk ditto jigglypuff koffing weepinbell victreebell (if no cloyster, get jynx) EXIT ----- VALLEY ----- Sign whatever pics you need to get to 130k hit mankey with squirtle hit mankey on the button EXIT go back for signs ----- CLOUD ----- 3x Blue cycle mew 3x Yellow cycle Mew mew pics EXIT DONE