Hello everyone, We just wanted to update you on everything that has happened to ZSR today. First off, Narcissa Wright originally bought and still owns the "zeldaspeedruns.com" domain. For the past several years, she has simply pointed the domain to ZSR's server, which has operated independently for many years now. As of this morning, that is no longer true, and the domain points elsewhere. The current ZSR staff has no control over this, and was not part of this decision. We know everyone must have a lot of questions and concerns for the future of ZSR. We have some answers for everyone - The server is still up and running - The information that you have worked so hard to create and keep updated is still there, undamaged and completely intact However, we have come to a very unfortunate decision when it comes to the original domain. We have decided to part ways with the zeldaspeedruns.com name. We do not want to spark controversy over this issue or create drama surrounding any aspect of this. Please keep controversial topics in private, and be respectful. From this point any hateful or disrespectful discussion surrounding our relationship with Narcissa or anything similar in the ZSR server, Twitch chat, or similar will be removed if it is too inappropriate. We believe that what made ZSR what it is today isn't a domain name, or even a website, but all of you. ZeldaSpeedRuns is a community, and that means more than a domain name. Because so many of you have worked for hours to keep all of the information on the site up-to-date and still want to see progression with ZSR, we are very excited to make the following announcements: First off, let's address the domain. Thanks to Pac and our friends at speedrun.com, ZSR is now available at http://zelda.speedruns.com. All of the information on ZSR will again remain intact and open to current editors of their respective game(s). The focus of the site will be on the resources, guides and the exhaustive wiki going forward that has helped so many people find their starting point in speedrunning Zelda. Since we'll be closer than ever with speedrun.com, this seems like a good time for us to freeze new submissions to our leaderboards. That means that we will not be accepting any new runs submitted. All of the current runs, regardless of status, will stay on the leaderboard as-is for the time being. We've long been aware that splitting leaderboards between ZSR and speedrun.com was not ideal, and nobody wants to submit their times to two different websites. We were already working on a partnership to merge our efforts, so this will be the first step toward that ultimate goal. An autosyncing leaderboard between both sites will be a reality very soon. We know these are big changes, and you may have more questions or comments regarding the changes (or anything else). We would very much like to answer those questions, so feel free to talk to us in our Discord server: https://discord.gg/zsr Thank you everyone, From all of us. - Maxx, Bokoblins, Dragonbane, Trezc0_ and Orcastraw (ZSR Team)